Friday, August 21, 2009


I am so thankful today as I am a stay at home mom. I have been a stay at home for almost 8 months but today I am especially thankful. I went to workout at a gym with a friend and we both left our little boys in the gym daycare. This was the first time either of us have had to leave our boys with someone other than family at a daycare setting. We both wanted to cry. I know it is only an hour but this was not a nice home daycare. It was loud and full of kids. Luckily, Tommy did well but it just made me appreciate how lucky I am to be staying home with him everyday. I am so thankful to Joe for allowing us to be at home. I know Joe loves it as he is able to have peace of mind knowing his son is in good hands at home! I have had many insecurities about staying home like what will others think of me?? Will I get bored? Will I ever work again? Am I meant to do more? But, today all those insecurities washed away as I now know that I am right where I am supposed to be in my life. I do have some bad days and some days can get boring but I fall in love more and more with my son everyday! I hope to go back to work someday but for now I love my job being a stay at home mom with Tommy! Oh and I do plan on going back to the gym as it is good for me and it is good for Tommy to be around other people but it does make me appreciate my time at home with him even more.


  1. It is always nice to spend some time away from them because then I think you appreciate the kiddos more when you see them again. PS. The above picture was one of my favorites. You are such a good mom.

  2. Hey Lora,
    I just read your blog and just wanted to let you know I feel the same one some days but opposite. I wonder if working and taking Taylor to daycare if the right thing to do. I wonder what stay at home moms thinking of me dropping her off and going to work. But I know I go to work for her. But for you to be able to stay at home with Tommy is wonderful and I am completely jealous. Being as stay at home mom doesn't not change the fact that you are a beautiful, talented and smart women. As moms we always wonder if we are doing the right thing but I guess that is what being a mom is all about!! I just had to write a comment because I can so relate!! Take care..I just love your blog it is so nice to be able to stay in touch!!

  3. Hey Elly,
    Thanks for the comment! I often feel like I should be going to work and get jealous when I think of moms getting dressed up and working everyday but then I also love staying home right now so I guess it is such a battle as you can't have it both ways. I am glad you can relate. Your little girl is so beautiful and I am glad I now realized that you have a blog! Have a great year!

