Saturday, November 14, 2009


I am very good at loading the wash. I am also good at moving the clean clothes to the dryer and I am also good at moving the clothes from the dryer to the living room couch. I am not good at folding all of our clean clothes. I always intend on folding while Tommy plays in the living room/playroom but I don't usually get around to it right away. Joe is very good at folding laundry. I woke up this morning to find all of our clothes nicely folded on the couch! I LOVE my husband! He does so many things that I need to send out more love to him on this blog! I have to brag because he is my husband and he is the best and I love him!


  1. Oh laundry. I'm awful at folding it and putting it away. Things would sit in the laundry basket forever, and then get really wrinkled.

    Recently, though, I've hung a bar above the dryer and so when I take the clothes out of the dryer, instead of putting them someplace I'll never fold them, I hang everything up. Then, when I actually get around to putting it away, I just have to move it to the closet. No more wrinkles. Unless I get to the dryer late. That's another story... ;-)

  2. The Wilson Family
    SaLAm. . .
    kEnAL aja, . .

    I warga negara INDONESIA
